Wellness November 2020 Newsletter

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The Office of the Mayor and  LIVE wel are pleased to announce our  2020 Flu Vaccine Campaign! We're encouraging all City employees to receive a flu vaccine this fall season. As part of our campaign,  LIVE wel l  will be raffling off fun prizes like Fitbits, audio sunglasses, and Vitamixes. To be eligible for prizes you must be a full-time or half-time civilian employee eligible for coverage under the LAwell Civilian Benefits Program and receive a flu vaccine by  December 31, 2020.   Visit   www.LIVEwell.la/ flu   to learn more!
How Do I Participate for a Chance to Win?
Step 1:   Get your flu vaccine by December 31, 2020.
Where to get your flu vaccine?*

Kaiser Permanente members can now receive free flu vaccines through  December 31, 2020 from select retailers including CVS, Walgreens, Vons and more.  Click here  for more information and locations. 

Step 2:  Report you received a flu vaccine at  www.LIVE well .la/flu  to enter the raffle!

And don’t forget you also earn  100 points in your  LIVE well .la  wellness account just for getting your flu vaccine! Log in  now  to track your points or visit  https://livewell.la/ create-your-account to create  your account today!
Join the 2020 LIVEwell Virtual Turkey Trot 5K!

Celebrate the holidays with colleagues, family, and friends by joining  LIVE wel l  for a virtual 5k activity!  Complete a 5K (3.1 miles) whether you run, walk, bike, or do a similar physical activity from  November 18 to 30, 2020 and earn the following just for participating!

  1. 200 points in your  LIVE wel l .la  wellness account
  2. LIVE wel l  5k event medal and running belt!
To participate, make sure you’ve set up your personal wellness account at  LIVE wel l .la  and add the activity tile to your platform! Don’t forget to share a photo with us on Instagram and Facebook using  #la LIVE wel l  or  # LIVE well TurkeyTrot2020!
Squeeze 30 minutes into your daily routine with  LIVE well ’s live Zoom classes!

Lunch Time Classes
12:00 noon to 12:30 p.m.

Evening Classes
5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

*There will  NOT be any classes on:  November 11, 2020 and November 26 - 27, 2020
Interactive Cooking Classes

Need a healthy Holiday side dish?
 Cook with  LIVE well on Wednesday evening!*

November 18, 2020
5:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
Smashed Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes


*A shopping list will be provided before each class.
Learn More About Your Diabetic Eye Care Benefits
November is Diabetes Awareness Month and diabetic eye care is covered as part of your LAwell benefits coverage! It’s essential to get an annual eye exam and don’t forget you also earn 100 points in your  LIVE well .la  wellness account just for doing so!
Visit   https://www. keepinglawell.com/vision   to learn more about your vision benefits. 

Keep it Moving with LIVE well !
Darrelle Pan - Risk Manager, City of Los Angeles Harbor Department

The Harbor Department hosted an employee health fair in 2007 to begin a wellness initiative focusing on wide-ranging aspects of employee wellbeing.  This one-day event grew in popularity and eventually expanded into a one-week event we now refer to as Wellness Week. 2020 was the first year this in-person event was hosted virtually. The Harbor Department turned to the experts at  LIVE well  for help and the results turned out great.  LIVE well   offered a wide-range of virtual fitness classes for Wellness Week such as HIIT, Kickboxing, Yoga, Zumba, Tai-Chi and more. Harbor employees expressed positive comments about the facilitators sharing that they are encouraging, fun, and creative in finding ways to accommodate all fitness levels. One Harbor employee shared an image to express her gratitude and appreciation for virtual fitness classes offered during her lunch break. 
Thank you 
LIVE well  for developing a FREE platform for LA City employees to maintain, improve, and focus, on his or her well-being. The Harbor Department considers you as a valuable wellness partner!
Holiday Season Sides –  On the  LIVE well .la
Community Feed!
The holidays offer us the chance to get creative using an assortment of delicious and nutritious autumn vegetables. Try mixing it up with one or both of these healthy Brussel Sprout recipes!
Head over to the  LIVE well .la  community feed for the full recipes. These side dishes are super easy to make and perfect to share with the entire family. 

Recipe from Kaiser Permanente
Keep yourself and others safe and healthy. Learn more at  corona-virus.la !
LIVE well
Employee Benefits Division Personnel Department
200 N. Spring St., Room 867
Los Angeles, CA 90012

LIVE well. la   (213) 978-1619
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